
The members of Grace Covenant Church constitute, establish, and joyfully submit themselves to the following articles. This Ohio nonprofit religious corporation has its office in Beavercreek, Ohio.



The purpose of Grace Covenant Church is to glorify and enjoy God by fulfilling the purposes of His Kingdom through loving obedience to the Great Commission as given by its Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Therefore, this community, gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit, applies itself to making disciples of Christ by proclaiming the gospel to non-believers, by persuading them to place their faith in him, and by producing mature saints who joyfully submit themselves to the King’s rule. The work will culminate when Christ returns and all people bow before him, confessing his absolute reign over the entire created realm. Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:44-49; I Peter 2:9; Mark 10:42-45; Matthew 22:34-40; Philippians 2:5-11; Romans 8:18-27


The spiritual commitment that magnifies the mission of Grace Covenant Church to enact authentic Christian ministry is its growing passion for God and increasing compassion for others.


Grace Covenant Church sets forth its basic values and understanding of its essential mission. These values, distinguishing this local church from many others, create the necessary context required to promote effective decision making. Thus, whenever this fellowship constructs long range goals, short term objectives, and implementation strategies, it must do so in a manner consistent with these values. The values impelling this community to fulfill its mission are listed as below.

A. Biblical Authority Grace Covenant Church commits itself to conforming to the full authority of the Scriptures which alone are sufficient for life and godliness. It seeks to submit itself to the proclamation of the whole counsel of God, to the regular exposition of biblical passages, and to the truths it proclaims.

B. Genuine Worship Grace Covenant Church commits itself to exalting the matchless reputation of God through worship that is in accordance with biblical teaching. The essential elements of this worship are the reading of Scripture, preaching and teaching the Bible, reverent observance of the sacraments, participation in common prayer, and singing to God’s glory.

C. Ethical Integrity Grace Covenant Church commits itself to developing a ministry characterized by ethical integrity as evidenced through honest communication, mutual accountability, and responsible stewardship. Its membership desires genuine relationships that characterize all of its life.

D. Evangelistic Fervor Grace Covenant Church commits itself to fulfilling the “Great Commission” by equipping its members for personal evangelism, supporting and praying for missions at home and abroad, and praying for spiritual awakening.

E. Ministry Training Grace Covenant Church commits itself to equipping its members through education in the Scriptures. This training is intended to enable members to serve and edify fellow believers through the employment of their spiritual gifts.

F. Community Atmosphere Grace Covenant Church commits itself to develop a community atmosphere characterized by mutual love and prayer for one another. The members encourage one another to bear each other’s burdens, to serve and strengthen individuals and family units by demonstrating Christ’s love through hospitality to all.


Grace Covenant Church strives to become a body of faithful believers adoring God as he has revealed himself through inerrant Scripture, demonstrating a commitment to the centrality of God in worship and ministry, providing systematic instruction in God’s Word through preaching and teaching, and honoring God through employment of its treasure, time, talents, and all of the resources God has provided. Grace Covenant Church seeks to fulfill the “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19-20) by proclaiming the gospel and living by its truths, baptizing believers, and making disciples of Christ in its neighborhood and throughout the world until the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ.



Grace Covenant Church gratefully acknowledges Christ alone as the Head of his body, the church. The Community recognizes the Holy Scriptures alone as the inerrant and sufficient guide in all matters of faith, church order, and discipline. This local assembly, acting with wisdom and prudence, may seek the assistance and counsel of other churches when special concerns arise; however, it is neither accountable to nor under the jurisdiction nor direct supervision of, any other ecclesiastical body. Thus, the decision of no other church or group of churches shall at any time be acknowledged as binding on this community. This congregation may never cooperate with any group that permits the presence of apostasy or that denies fundamental tenets of the Gospel. Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18; II Timothy 3:12-17; II Peter 1:19-21; Acts 15:1-35


A plurality of elders shall lead this local church as defined in Article VI. These men shall at all times and in all activities stand under the authority of Christ and His Word. They shall exercise authoritative and decisive leadership, but they must do so as servant-leaders and faithful stewards of the community, not as lords and dictators. I Peter 5:1-4; Matthew 20:24-28



The Scripture alone is the final and ultimate authority in all matters related to the Christian life. Since God’s Word remains the final authority for this community, the creeds, declarations, and confessions contained within Grace Covenant Book of Faith and Order do not bind this congregation in a strict and absolute sense. This assembly's confession of faith assists its leaders and members in the event that controversy should arise.


Grace Covenant Church requires that all members agree with the central truths of biblical Christianity as summarized in “The Truths That We Confess” as they appear in The Grace Covenant Book of Faith and Order (Part One: “Confession of Faith”, Section 1). In addition, all members shall demonstrate both a willingness to abide by this constitution and a sincere desire to grow in their understanding of the ‘Truths That We Treasure’ and the ‘Truths That We Teach’ (Part One: Confession of Faith, Sections 2-3).


Grace Covenant Church requires all members of its diaconate, all teachers, and all missionaries to agree with and teach in a manner demonstrating full harmony with the “Truths That We Treasure”, a concise summary statement of the “Truths That We Teach” (Confession of Faith, Section 2).


Grace Covenant Church requires all of its elders to enthusiastically agree with the “Truths That We Teach”. This statement, based upon the Westminster Confession and the Second London Confession as its models, provides the elders of this fellowship with a brief systematic theology (Confession of Faith, Section 3). As such, it assists them by helping them develop and communicate a distinctive Christian world and life view. This tool thoroughly grounds the members of the fellowship so they become better equipped for kingdom living. I Peter 3:15



All those having placed their faith in Jesus Christ immediately secure the baptism of the Holy Spirit and join the universal church, the body of Christ, of which He is the head (I Corinthians 12:12-20; Ephesians 1:22). All believers in Christ must join with a local church thus becoming members of a clearly defined local community of believers (Acts 2:41-47; 14:21-23; 20:28; Matthew 18:17; I Corinthians 5:12-13). Church membership requires every church member to fulfill numerous responsibilities beyond that of placing their names upon a formal role.


A. Commitment to the Means of Grace This local fellowship requires its members to commit themselves to the consistent exercise of the various means of sanctifying grace made available by God to them. These means of grace include the following:

  1. Proclamation and Application of God’s Word Each member must listen faithfully to the public instruction of the Word of God with a desire to apply the Scriptures to daily life. This duty requires the complete participation of each member at the regularly scheduled activities, especially on the Lord’s Day. Acts 2:42; II Timothy 3:16-4:4; Ephesians 4:11-14
  2. Fellowship of Believers Each member must minister sincerely to the welfare of the rest of this local assembly on a regular, continuous basis. Faithful attendance at the stated services of the church, unless providentially hindered, is an obligation, not an option, for all church members. No members shall habitually divide their time and interests between other local assemblies and this one without the consent of the elders. Acts 2:42, 47; I Corinthians 12:13; Hebrews 10:24, 25
  3. Communion of the Saints Each member must participate consistently in the Lord’s Table in the congregational setting as scheduled by the elders. Acts 2:42; I Peter 2:5,9; I John 2:19
  4. Exercise of Prayer Each member must regularly exercise prayer on behalf of others. This duty carries with it the responsibility of continuously interceding for the on-going ministry of the local church. Acts 2:42; Philippians 1:3-6; Colossians 4:2-4; James 5:13-14 All those, then, who would count themselves members of this local community of believers, must fulfill the functions of membership as defined by the Scriptures.

B. Commitment to Biblical Governance within the Home This fellowship expects its members to follow the Scriptures in governance of their homes. The home holds a central attention in God’s Word and is the object of frequent exhortations in the New Testament, as appearing below:

  1. Men must lovingly and firmly lead their families. Ephesians 5:23-24; I Peter 3:7
  2. Women must show respect for and joyfully submit themselves to their husbands. Ephesians 5:22
  3. Parents must train and instruct their children in the ways of the Lord, by righteous example, and by firm discipline. Proverbs 13:24; 23:13; 29:15; Ephesians 6:4
  4. Children must reverently obey their parents. Ephesians 6:1-2 These primary responsibilities, prayerfully executed, honor the name of Christ in the community and strengthen the cause of Christ in generations to come.

C. Commitment to Kingdom Work All members of this church have the privilege and duty to exercise their spiritual gifts for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Thus, all members must recognize and seize every opportunity to redeem the time, to bear witness to their faith in Christ, and to give sacrificially of themselves to the good of the body. I Corinthians 15: II Corinthians 5:11-21

D. Commitment to Sacrificial Financial Giving Every member has the responsibility of generously and faithfully supporting this local church by giving financial offerings to it. Scripture asserts proportionate and sacrificial giving as a distinctive and positive privilege. For this reason, the members of this congregation pledge their support by making systematic contributions on a regular basis. Malachi 3:8-11; I Corinthians 16:2

E. Commitment to Obedience and Christian Liberty All members of this assembly must render in their daily lives joyful, spontaneous, and loyal obedience to all the moral precepts established in the Word of God (Romans 8:3-4; James 2:12). If God has not condemned or forbidden a practice in his Word, Christians are at liberty to participate in it. The exercise of Christian liberty must at all times be governed by an earnest desire to live in the fear of God and to glorify Him in all things (I Peter 1:17; I Cor. 10:31). Those practicing Christian liberty must demonstrate a loving regard for the consciences of weaker brothers (I Corinthians 8:9; Romans 15:1-3), a compassion for the lost (I Corinthians 9:19-22), and a zealous regard for the health of their own lives (Romans 13:14; I Peter 2:16).

F. Commitment to the Authority and Oversight of the Church All who choose membership within this church accept the obligation to recognize and submit themselves to the authority of the elders of the church in matters clearly expressed in Scripture. I Corinthians 16:15-16; I Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17


A. Profession of Faith in Christ All persons professing repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, having been baptized following their profession of faith, expressing a willingness to follow the beliefs and practices of this fellowship, and evidencing a willingness to submit to its governing authorities shall be eligible for church membership. Admission to membership does not require one’s mastery of the entire Grace Covenant Confession of Faith that appears in the first part of this constitution. Such a requirement violates the order of Matthew 28:19-20 which instructs the church to baptize and then to teach baptized disciples to observe all of Christ’s commands. It is necessary, however, that any believers applying for membership demonstrate a willingness to abide by the constitution and a sincere desire to grow in their understanding of the confession of faith of the church.

B. Those in Basic Disagreement Anyone in basic disagreement with the constitution, purpose, and confession of faith of this assembly could not be consistently submissive to the teaching ministry of the fellowship. The church shall not admit such a person to membership because this would be unwise and without scriptural support.


A. Application Procedure Any persons desiring membership in this congregation may request interviews with the elders. Upon receiving such requests, the elders shall distribute applications for membership as well as copies of The Grace Covenant Book of Faith and Order to the potential members. These elders shall then meet with the applicants so they may hear the candidates’ testimonies and determine whether they fulfill the basic requirements for membership.

B. Correspondence with Other Local Churches If applicants are or have been members of other local congregations, the elders will attempt to determine their standing in those assemblies and the reasons for their departure. Before the elders accept them into membership, they may send a letter of inquiry concerning the candidates’ standing in their former congregations.

C. Procedure of Final Acceptance Upon reception of the written applications, the elders will schedule meetings with the applicants. If either the applicants or the elders have any problems or reservations at this point in the process, they shall seek to achieve a private resolution of the matter. The elders may postpone the reception of applicants into membership until they are able properly to investigate the matter and answer any objections which, in their judgment, are sufficiently serious. Once the elders have determined the applicants’ eligibility as members, they shall extend the right hand of fellowship to these people at a stated meeting of the congregation.


A. Resident Membership Resident membership is for those active, participating members who comprise the majority of the congregation.

B. Non-resident Membership Non-resident membership is for those serving on mission fields, attending school outside the area for extended periods, or people whose circumstances, at the discretion of the elders, seem to fit this category. Those desiring non-resident memberships must apply for it in writing to the elders and must maintain communication with the church and support it upon returning home. Such members will not participate in affirmations until they return to the church, meet with the elders, and make request for resident membership.

C. Associate Membership Those desiring memberships during short term relocation may apply for associate membership. In such cases, associate members may keep their membership active in their official home churches. These associate members may not participate in affirmation in family meetings but may exercise all other duties and privileges of membership.


A. By Physical Death When members of the fellowship are removed from the visible church by death, the elders must remove their names from the membership roll.

B. By Transfer When members seek transference to another assembly they must make request for the elders to remove their names from the membership roll of this body. Members may request a letter of recommendation from the elders to their new assembly. As long as members are in good standing with this fellowship, are not in the process of church discipline, and the church where they are attending is in basic agreement with the central truths of the faith, the elders may grant their approval of the transfer. If, however, members are currently subject to church discipline or they request transference to a church not adhering to the central truths of the faith, the elders must not give consent for the transfer. In such cases, these members will receive admonitions and warnings concerning their spiritual state. I John 2:19; Matthew 7:21-23 29

C. By Exclusion

  1. Willful Absence - Members who for a period of three to six months habitually and willingly absent themselves from the regular meetings of the church, or do not fulfill the functions of membership, or who show no interest in the church, shall be admonished and warned by the elders of the serious spiritual state such actions manifest (I John 2:19; Matthew 7:21-23). If there is no response the elders shall enlist the congregation to contact these members (Galatians 6:1-2; John 13:34-35). If they fail to respond to the congregation, the elders shall exclude them from the membership records. Those removed from membership shall be so advised by letter from the elders. If an excluded member applies again for membership, the procedures set forth in Section 3 of this article would again apply.
  2. Relocation - Members who relocate and who make no effort either to maintain a vital contact with this church or to transfer their membership will receive admonition and possible exclusion from the membership by action of the elders. In such instances, the elders shall announce to the congregation that such persons have been dismissed from this membership.

D. By Excommunication According to the teaching of Holy Scripture, this congregation must cut off from its fellowship and membership any persons who teach or insist upon holding to false and heretical doctrine. This assembly must break its fellowship with any persons who blatantly and persistently conduct themselves in a manner inconsistent with their Christian profession or who disturb the unity or peace of the church. This procedure is explained in Article V of this constitution.


Resident membership in this church shall entitle members to participate at family meetings. Only resident members whose names stand on the resident membership record the day of any family meeting are eligible to participate. These resident members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Members must exercise their privilege to affirm in person by attendance at the meeting. This church does not permit absentee ballots.


A. The Annual Family Meeting The annual family meeting shall be held each year sometime in June. At this meeting, the membership shall receive ministry reports for the preceding church year, affirm a balanced budget, and conduct other matters as deemed necessary. Copies of the proposed budget and public notice of this meeting must be given at the regular services on two preceding Sundays.

B. Other Family Meetings The congregation shall, in addition to the annual family meeting, conduct quarterly family meetings as deemed necessary by the elders. In addition, any member of this congregation may request a special family meeting by stating his or her reasons in writing to the elders, who may then schedule such meetings at any time. The elders shall, however, give prior notice of the meeting, stating its time and purpose for two consecutive Sundays during the services of the church. In the event of an immediate crisis or a rare need requiring immediate action, no such advance notice is necessary. Such urgent matters, including the need for immediate church discipline or other serious action, require only twenty-four hours’ notice. The elders alone shall determine when a crisis demands such action. The only matters that may be conducted at a special family meeting is that which the elders announce as the reason for the meeting.

C. Moderator The chairman of the elders shall moderate the family meetings. In the event that the moderator is absent, the elders shall appoint another elder to serve as the vice-moderator.

D. Quorum The quorum necessary for the transaction of a family business meeting is 25% of the resident members eligible to participate. Among the members present, not fewer than two elders shall be in attendance.

E. Affirmation of Matters A simple majority of those who are present and participating is necessary for affirming any matter unless otherwise stated in this constitution. In the event that any item shall come to the congregation that does not fall under a category appearing in this constitution, the elders shall determine the percentage of participation needed to affirm the matter.


STEP 1 - FORMATIVE DISCIPLINE Formative discipline functions positively to promote and maintain the conditions of learning necessary for making obedient disciples in the body of Christ. Formative discipline involves teaching truth in such a way that it stimulates progressive righteousness in the lives of God’s people. This is the formal responsibility of the church’s leadership (Ephesians 4:11-12) and the informal responsibility of all members. All must exercise their spiritual gifts, encourage, admonish, teach and serve the other members of the community. I Corinthians 12:12-27; Hebrews 10:24-25; Colossians 3:16; Galatians 5:13-14

STEP 2 - CORRECTIVE DISCIPLINE Corrective discipline is necessary because of conduct or doctrine contrary to biblical requirements. Corrective discipline must occur when members refuse to settle differences biblically (Matthew 18:15-35), when public and scandalous sins occur (I Corinthians 5:1-13), and / or heretical beliefs appear in the congregation (I Timothy 1:18-20), and / or divisive actions persist among members (Titus 3:9-11). Corrective discipline always aims for the glory of God, the welfare and purity of the congregation, and the restoration and spiritual growth of the offenders.


A. One to One Attempt to Restore

Any member of this church, having factual knowledge of an erring member’s heresy, misconduct, or refusal to be reconciled must correct such a person in private and seek his or her restoration (Matthew 18:15; Galatians 6:1-2). However, members must not become busy bodies seeking such confrontations.

B. One or Two Witnesses Attempt to Restore

If, after repeated attempts, the erring member refuses to heed such warnings, then the warning member shall return, privately, with one or two witnesses. These witnesses, after self-examination and prayer, shall adjudicate the matter and seek to reconcile the parties and / or to restore the erring member (Matthew 18:16, 19-20).

C. Members Attempt to Restore

Stage 1 - Report to the Elders If the witnesses determine that the erring member refuses to heed such warnings, they shall report the matter to the Elders. This report is necessary if the church is to conduct its ministry in a decent and organized manner during the process. God has called the elders, not the general membership, to keep watch over the flock. These men will give an account to God for their stewardship of the church (Hebrews 13:17). For this reason, their involvement at this point in the process is absolutely necessary. At this stage, the witnesses along with the elders, after self-examination and prayer, shall adjudicate the matter and seek to reconcile the parties and / or to restore the erring member (Matthew 18:16, 19-20).

Stage 2 - Report to the Membership If the witnesses and the elders determine that the erring member refuses to heed such warnings, they shall report the matter (only the necessary information) to the entire fellowship. At this stage, the witnesses along with the elders and the entire congregation, after self-examination and prayer, shall adjudicate the matter and seek to reconcile the parties and / or to restore the erring believer (Matthew 18:16, 19-20; Galatians 6:1-5). At this point in the process, the members of the congregation may associate with the erring brother or sister only to warn him or her of his or her error. During this sobering time, the fellowship must exclude the erring one from participation in the Lord’s table and the privileges of membership, according to the guidelines of Scripture. Matthew 18:17; I Corinthians 5:9-11; II Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15

A member may, at times due to the public and scandalous nature of his or her sin, be reported by the elders to the congregation, at this level of discipline without pursuing the informal and private steps (I Corinthians 5:1-13). This will occur only if the elders have found it impossible to implement the informal and private procedure first. Only the elders are authorized to make such a report.

D. Excommunication

  1. Failure to Heed Warnings - If, after members of the congregation have attempted to retain the erring member, he or she still refuses to repent, he or she shall be put out of the church, “turned over to Satan”, and treated as an unbeliever, being publicly dismissed from the church. Matthew 18:17-18; I Corinthians 5:4-5, 13; I Timothy 1:18-20
  2. Acceptance of Resignation and Report to the Membership - If, during any of the steps of corrective discipline, the erring member seeks to resign from the membership of the church, the church shall accept the resignation. The elders shall in such instances report the reasons for the resignation to the congregation. At this time the elders shall publicly disclose any unresolved issues to all members. Then, the elders shall instruct the congregation to treat the resigning member according to the commands in Matthew 18:17 and I Corinthians 5:9-11.

E. Restoration of the Erring member

  1. Informal and Private Level of Discipline - If the erring member repents at the informal and private level of discipline (e.g., one-to-one and witness stage), then repentance, confession and restoration shall be private. Matthew 18:15-16; Luke 17:3-4; Ephesians 4: 32; Colossians 3:13

  2. Formal and Public Level of Discipline - If the discipline proceeds to the formal level of public disclosure before the congregation, then, the repentance, confession, and restoration must also be formal and before the congregation. II Corinthians 2:5-11

  3. Responsibility of Membership - At whatever level restoration occurs, members must forgive the offender upon his or her confession and repentance. Luke 17:3-4; Ephesians 4:32; II Corinthians 2:5-11



Jesus Christ alone is head of his body, the church (Colossians 1:18), and he governs it by servant-leaders endowed by His Spirit with the necessary gifts and graces needed faithfully to accomplish their work. Therefore, it is the duty of the whole church to seek continually to discover those to whom Christ the Lord has imparted the necessary gifts for leading God’s People. Christ has ordained that local churches be governed by such men called elders. Philippians 1:1; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; I Peter 5:1-4


God has called men known as elders, pastors, and overseers to function as those who govern and teach the congregation. These three interchangeable names designate one and the same ministry in a New Testament church. Acts 20:28; I Peter 5:1-4; I Timothy 3:1; Acts 20:28; Titus 1:7


A. Shepherding

Since God commands elders to shepherd his flock (Acts 20:28; I Peter 5:1-4), elders must:

  1. Preach and teach the Word of God. Colossians 1:28; I Timothy 5:17; II Timothy 4:1
  2. Establish the theological and doctrinal purity of the church and guard the flock of God against error and heresy. Acts 20:28-31
  3. Counsel and admonish believers, confront sin, and teach individuals and families as men who will give an account to God. Acts 20:20; I Thessalonians 5:12; Colossians 1:28; Ezekiel 34; Hebrews 13:17
  4. Pray for the congregation and the work of God. Acts 6:3-4
  5. Equip the membership for ministry. Ephesians 4:11-16; II Timothy 2:2
  6. Organize the official pulpit committee and submit to the membership the name of a suitable candidate for the ministry of Pastor if the need arises.

B. Oversight

Since God commands elders to oversee his flock (Acts 20:28; I Timothy 3:1) they must manage it as a father would his family (I Timothy 3:4-5; 5:17; I Thessalonians 5:12-13). Elders must:

  1. Supply the pulpit in the absence of those elders with primary pulpit responsibilities.
  2. Lead in the discipline and reconciliation of erring members.
  3. Operate as ex-officio members of all church councils, committees, and groups.
  4. Appoint and oversee the work with the diaconate as together they establish and implement the policies, procedures, ministry descriptions, and practices of the church.
  5. Designate all ministry leaders and ministry teams for the orderly functioning of the church.
  6. Listen to the members of the church, remembering that elders are not lords but leaders and that the church is composed of gifted members. To that end, the elders must actively seek the advice of the congregation when making decisions or setting policy. They shall receive, consider, and dispose of any grievance, suggestion, or recommendation from any member or organization of the church.
  7. Correct any members or non-members at times when these create dissension that impairs the unity or the doctrinal integrity of the church. At such times, it shall be the duty of the elders to rebuke them and to warn the congregation about the dissension and to seek to correct those responsible for it.
  8. Review and approve missionaries that the congregation shall support. The elders shall also provide for ministry involvement of the congregation through regular communication, consistent prayer, and a significant, sure level of financial support.
  9. Ensure that the financial offerings of the congregation are used effectively, efficiently, and with accountability as characterized by good stewardship of the resources provided by the Lord.


God has set forth the qualifications necessary for men chosen to function as elders (I Timothy 2:12; 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9; and I Peter 5:1-4). These God-given character traits must be evident prior to the appointment of any given elder.

A. Any man nominated as an elder must state, in writing, his adherence to Grace Covenant Book of Faith and Order.

B. The church prohibits women from functioning as elders, since God’s Word makes no such allowance.


In new or small congregations, only one man may have the personal qualifications and gifts necessary to be an “elder”; however, the evidence of the New Testament points to a typical plurality of elders in a given local church (Acts 20:17; Philippians 1:1). These same men are called “bishops”, meaning “overseers”, because they are charged with the oversight of the assembly. These men, called the 'pastors' and 'teachers,' are the Holy Spirit’s gifts to the church “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” (Ephesians 4:11-12). Scripture prescribes the pattern of pastoral responsibilities and authority as being distributed among the Elders.


Every elder has equal governing authority in the church, though gifts possessed and functions performed may vary from elder to elder.


While there is no New Testament distinction between “vocational pastors” and “bi-vocational elders”, this church recognizes that the Spirit of God does grant differing measures of the gifts and time necessary for leading and feeding the flock. The eldership must recognize these requisite gifts and the constraints of time and organize itself in the most efficient manner to enact its shepherding ministry to the glory of God and for the good of the flock. The responsibilities of this office are numerous and demanding; therefore, this church desires at least one of its elders to devote his full time to the vocation of the pastoral ministry and the oversight of the church. Such men should be thoroughly educated, skilled in public preaching and private exhortation, and carefully prepared to labor in the Word and in teaching as a livelihood (I Timothy 5:17). This fellowship desires to train and equip gifted men who support themselves through other employment to provide ministry as elders in a bi-vocational manner.


The church is responsible to give generous financial support to men devoting all or large portions of their time and energy to their work as vocational pastors (I Timothy 5:17-18; I Corinthians 9:9-11). The church is free to invite men from outside the local congregation to come into its midst and serve in this capacity. Any man thus called to this servant-leader function must be able conscientiously to affirm his extensive agreement with the constitution, including both the confession of faith and the constitution. Should he at any time move from this position, he is under obligation to make this fact known to the church.


A. Responsibilities of the Congregation The congregation, in understanding the vital importance of identifying its elders, must apply itself to prayer, an honest examination of the relevant passages of Scripture, and a frank evaluation of those it would consider in the appointment process. The congregation must seek continually to discover those whom the Spirit of God is preparing for the work of elder.

B. Responsibilities of the Elders The Elders must carefully consider the needs of the church and seek to add only biblically qualified men to the church’s leadership. The elders are responsible to establish the exact procedures needed to install candidates properly as well as to train and examine them. In addition, the elders must solicit the help of the congregation in evaluating candidates and then lead the congregation; as together, they ordain these men into eldership.

C. Responsibilities of the Candidates Men considering the ministry of elder are responsible to develop the character, gifts, and skills necessary for effective service. As they progress in their own maturity they must seek to lead the church based on an inward conviction and a sincere desire rather than through external motivation (I Peter 5:1-4).


Elders shall be ordained to their ministry for life, unless they fall into heresy or some other sin by which they are no longer able to meet the qualifications of I Timothy 3, Titus 1, and I Peter 5. In such case an elder may be subject to revaluation either by a request from other elders or upon the written petition of two or three members of the congregation (See Article VII, Section 12, Letter B).


Any action taken by the elders must be in keeping with the New Testament spirit of unanimity and unity (Romans 15:6; Philippians 1:27; 2:2; I Corinthians 1:10). Therefore, decisions made and actions taken by the elders must reflect the complete unity that glorifies the Lord of the Church. Even a single dissenting judgment is cause for further prayer and consideration of the issue, until a likeness of mind is achieved among those serving as elders.


A. Mutual Accountability before God While elders are overseers of the flock, they are themselves members of the flock. Therefore, each elder as an individual is under the oversight of his fellow elders and is subject to the same discipline as are all the members of the church. This makes the process of maintaining one’s ministry function as an elder a matter of continual re-evaluation by the eldership.

B. Disqualification: Factually Proven by Two or Three Witnesses If two or three witnesses have factual knowledge (not merely hearsay) regarding an elder’s scandalous sin and / or false teaching, they must bring the matter to the eldership. After the elders have thoroughly investigated the matter and have verified the accusation, they shall disclose these facts publicly and rebuke the erring elder before the entire congregation. At such a sobering time, the man must be dismissed from the eldership and the church must attempt to reconcile the man to Christ and the congregation. I Timothy 5:19; I Peter 5

C. Personal Choice An elder may desire to resign from the eldership for a temporary period due to reasons other than those that would disqualify him. These reasons may include needed rest from oversight responsibilities, a time to reevaluate his personal life, a family illness, etc. The process of reinstatement at a later time will be determined by the elders in relation to the circumstances and his qualification and desire to serve again.


The church should endeavor to discover and then formally recognize all the men whom the Holy Spirit has endowed with the requisite qualifications, gifts, and graces and has set over the church. It is evident, therefore, that the church cannot fix the number of elders.


The elders shall determine its regular meeting dates at its first meeting of the year. At this meeting, the elders shall appoint those whom The Spirit of God has graciously gifted in specific areas for the orderly shepherding and oversight of the church.



God has called the deacons to a ministry of assisting or helping the elders and the congregation. The deacons assist the eldership by assuming responsibility for those tasks assigned it by the elders so that such work will not interfere with the elder’s ministry of the Word and prayer. Deacons serve the congregation by overseeing the physical needs of the church and the ministries of mercy and benevolence. This in no way replaces the need and biblical mandate to love and serve one another. The Deacons should strive to encourage and equip the body to serve itself. The members of the church bear the responsibility of seeking and discovering from among its members those to whom the Spirit of God has imparted the necessary qualifications and gifts required for this ministry.


The qualifications for a man chosen to function as a deacon are set forth in Scripture particularly in I Timothy 3:8-13. Any man nominated for this ministry must state, in writing, his adherence to “The Truths That We Treasure” as stated in the confession of faith. Each nominee must adhere to the constitution of this church also.


It is clear the Scriptures leave room for a variety of organizational models with respect to the Deacons. The Grace Covenant Church Deacons shall be organized according to the gifts of the Spirit and for the welfare of the church and its outreach ministry. Instead of a central Deacon board, the diaconate will be made up of teams, each team led by a Deacon and responsible to fulfil their area of service, whatever that may be, i.e., finance, facilities, benevolence, etc. They may select on an ongoing basis from the general membership, men and women to assist them and serve in the various capacities as needed to meet the physical/spiritual needs of both the membership and community. The elders shall appoint one qualified Deacon to serve as Head Deacon for the oversight of the diaconate teams and representing the diaconate to the elders.


All deacons must fulfill their duties in cooperation with one another and in full subjection to the elders.


A. Responsibilities of the Congregation The members of the congregation, in recognizing the vital importance of the selection of their deacons, must apply themselves to fervent prayer, an honest examination of the relevant passages of Scripture, and a frank evaluation of those they would consider in the appointment process. They do this in order to discover those whom the Spirit of God is preparing for the work of deacon.

B. Responsibilities of the Elders The Elders must carefully consider the needs of the church and seek to add qualified men to the church’s Diaconate. The elders are responsible to establish the exact procedures needed to install candidates properly as well as to train and examine them. In addition, the elders must solicit the help of the congregation in evaluating candidates and then lead the congregation, as together, they install these men into the Diaconate.

C. Responsibilities of the Candidates Corresponding to the congregation’s discovery and the approval of the elders, there must be the development of an inward desire on the part of those who would serve the church as deacons.


Deacons shall be installed for life, but they may be removed from their ministry if they fall into heresy or some other sin by which they no longer meet the qualifications of I Timothy 3. In such case a member of the diaconate may be subject to reevaluation either by one of the elders of the church or upon the written petition of two or three members of the church. In these instances, the elders may remove them from their ministries. Deacons may for some other reason request removal from an active role in their ministry.


The church should endeavor to discover and then formally to recognize all the men whom the Holy Spirit has endowed with the requisite qualifications, gifts, and graces. It is evident, therefore, that the church cannot fix the number of deacons.


All the Deacons will meet quarterly for prayer, planning, and reporting the activities of the Diaconate teams. The Deacons and their teams shall determine their regular team meetings (may include non-deacon members) for the purpose of carrying out their designated ministries. Each team will provide an annual written report to the elders. The Head Deacon will organize and preside over these meetings and at the first meeting see that a Deacon is selected to keep a record of these meetings. This person will then forward this record to the Administrative elder after each meeting.



The elders and deacons have the liberty to appoint other member-ministers to develop a variety of ministries aligned with the church’s purpose. All members have the distinct privilege of exercising their spiritual gifts for service to the church and to the world.


While the church may practice only that which is consistent with Scripture, it shall not limit its ministry by rigidly imposing the regulative principle that restricts members to minister in only the exact prescribed forms found in the Scriptures. Instead, the church shall seek to organize itself in the flexible manner encouraged by the New Testament so as to effectively minister in today’s culture. Thus, the elders and deacons will appoint members to various ministries on an ongoing basis.


Any male or female appointed to an official ministry leadership position must meet the requirements listed below. He or she must be:

  1. In good standing as an official member of this local fellowship.
  2. In adherence to this constitution and in agreement with “Truths That We Treasure” as stated in the confession of faith.
  3. Willing to serve God and his people.
  4. Growing in personal righteousness.
  5. Loyal and accountable to the governing body of this church.
  6. In regular attendance at the stated services of this church.


The elders and diaconate, to promote the effective ministry and work of Grace Covenant Church, may appoint various task forces, committees, and other groups from within its membership and the church at large. These groups shall perform work in accordance with the duties and with the privileges specifically delegated by the elders. All other organizations within or identified with this church, such as Bible studies, fellowship groups, sports activities, or any other such organizations and ministries, are subject to this constitution and to the oversight of the elders.



In order to meet legal requirements, Grace Covenant Church shall have an official Board of Trustees for conducting corporate business. This board shall consist of all serving elders and the Head Deacon. They will meet each year to review and approve the church budget and submit it to the congregation for its annual meeting. In addition, they shall conduct any other corporate business that may be required. The chairman of the legal trustees may call any special meeting as he deems necessary for corporate business purposes.


The legal trustees shall not encumber, transfer, sell, or purchase any real estate for the church except by the affirmation of the majority of the membership. No obligation shall be incurred to spend more than 2% of the annual church budget total on one item without the affirmation of the congregation, unless that item already appears in the adopted budget.


The congregation may amend the confession of faith and constitution contained in The Grace Covenant Book of Faith and Order by a three-fourths (3/4) majority affirmation of the members present at a family meeting. The elders will post the amendments in written form at least two Sundays prior to the family meeting. The elders, however, have direct oversight of all policies, procedures, and ministry descriptions contained in The Grace Covenant Ministry Handbook (See Article VI, Section 3) located in the church office. The elders shall communicate and distribute any newly established or revised policies and procedures to the congregation at any duly called business meeting. All members are responsible to read these updated policies and procedures and to act in accordance with them.



Only the legal trustees, acting within the spirit of unanimity, may recommend the dissolution of this corporation to the congregation. No less than a three-fourths (3/4) majority affirmation of the members present and voting shall be required in order to dissolve this corporation.


In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, the official trustees shall ensure that all debts are satisfied, that there is no division of assets, and that all assets herein be distributed to another corporation or corporations with purposes similar to those identified in Article I of The Grace Covenant Constitution. No less than a three-fourths (3/4) majority affirmation of the members present shall be required in order to decide upon this distribution of assets.